Friday, October 14, 2011

One Day With Mr. Jed

My favorite place to play is in grandma's kitchen.
She has a few cupboards that I can dig in!

 First I need to get these bowls out.  They make lots of noise when they hit the floor!
 After a while I figure out I can't get them all out at once.
 Uh oh!  Found a glass one.  Grandma snatched that one up quickly!
 Success at last!  I love to push them on the floor and listen to the noise they make.  I also love to clank them together!!
 On to play with my red wagon.  I love to push it all over the place!
 Oh!!!  I hear the garage door opening!!
Yea!!  Grandpa is home . . . I got a hug before you did grandma!!!
Ahhh . . . the sweetness of a grandson!

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