Monday, July 25, 2011

My Visit With Lauren

I just got back from visiting our oldest daughter Lauren who lives in Southern California.  We had such a great time!  We had some wonderful meals together, went to a couple of AA meetings, had some amazing conversations with her and her house mates and had a nice walk on the beach with one of her friends Jordan.  She has some wonderful people in her life!!  I kept meaning to get someone to take our picture, but of course it never happened.  So I don't have recent picture to share . . . but here are a couple of her that I love!!
Lauren with baby Jed . . . looks like he is picking his nose!  Lauren LOVES her little nephew!

Lauren home for a visit!  Lauren and Allie's friend Lindsey came over to see them and the baby! 

Cousins at Christmas!  L-R top row:  Danny, Caitlin, Lauren, Allie & Jesse
L-R bottom row: Carly, Thea and Jeremy (Jeremy is Jesse's cousin)

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