Saturday, January 23, 2010

And some more

This picture was taken in the village we were in last year - Maw Krow - where we did a water project. It was amazing to see the difference water makes - gardens, fishponds, cleaner village and a real sense of pride. This was Jean (2nd from the left) and my house mom. She was so excited to see us and wanted s to stay! She loved meeting Allie!
The sprinkler system on the gardens at the school.
This young mom and her baby were burned on the 2nd day we were there. The little baby boy was burned pretty badly - we were able to treat them each day and by the time we left they were healing nicely!
Taking a break from driving on very rough roads!
The fish pond at the school - you can see the school in the background. This is the Ma Ho Jo/De Bu Se La Ka area.

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